Posted By Behavioral Health Billing Solutions, LLC.
The Ohio Council announced today the statement below:
“The Senate has maintained the six-month delay of both the new service coding changes and the integration into managed care (aka “carve in) to January 1, 2018 and July 1, 2018, respectively. The Senate also included language that will require the ODM and MHAS directors to adopt all rules necessary to implement BH Redesign by October 1, 2017 to assure providers and plans have time to complete the clinical and business planning processes before the January 1, 2018 implementation timeline. We understand some Senators are also interested in pursuing some additional BH Redesign “guardrails”. The Ohio Council is continuing to work with the Senate to adopt amendments related to timely payment of claims, accountability for IT readiness and beta testing, and allowing early adopters before HB 49 is passed by the Senate.”
In this critical update, they also released a budget summary document that includes an interesting proposal added by the Senate Finance Committee.
The Senate will be considering additional amendments this week. It’s possible the Senate omnibus amendment will be released on Monday, June 19 and the Senate will vote to adopt HB 49 on June 21.
All in all, good news relayed by Council and in the coming weeks, there will be more details to come.