Posted by Behavioral Health Billing Solutions, LLC

Streamlined Billing Processes with Behavioral Health Billing Solutions: Your Solution.


Behavioral Health Billing Solutions wanted to ensure everyone had access to the presentation by ODM and OhioMAS regarding Emergency Telehealth rules enacted by Governor DeWine.

“Delivering Behavioral Health via Telehealth”


We also wanted to touch base and let all of our contacts know we are still here for you everyday!


We hope this post finds everyone safe and at home. If you are in the office or working in a potential exposure area, we thank you for what you are doing.


It’s been an alarming week for all of us as this pandemic continues to spread and projections are now reaching terrifying heights. At the same time, as always, Ohio Behavioral Health and the departments that address these changes continue to adapt policy to accommodate the needs of our state.  For example, two days ago, it was announced that MH Day Treatment, hourly and per diem services can now be provided via the emergency ruling for telehealth. 


Yesterday was the first ODM and OhioMas group meeting they have offered to agencies since the beginning of this crisis.


In my opinion, this was the best multi-department presentation I’ve ever attended that was offered by the state. It was informative, it offered incredibly helpful clinical and billing information and they did a wonderful job passing the ball from one presenter to the next. Even the question and answer portion was well handled. I’m attaching the presentation that they went through on the call in case any of you missed it and hopefully you managed to get in on today’s scheduled call.


In addition, I wanted to send out an official “Save the Date” notification of an upcoming webinar where Behavioral Health Billing Solutions will be partnering with our friends at Etactics Clearing House to provide critical information.


The webinar will be held on Friday, April 17 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. 


The information that will be presented will include the evolving information released over the next two weeks, provide information on how agencies are adapting to the ever changing rules, and to discuss some of the payer responses coming back from agencies that have already switched to a “telehealth” environment.


The information we provide will have been confirmed by our trusted resources. As one of our clients said everyone is inundated with information right now and our hope is to cut through all of the data and provide you with “already digested information” so that you can understand what your next steps should be.



 A link to Kelly Gifford from Focus Residential’s feedback on the updates we have been sending is available here.



As always, we are here to support you and will continue to do our best to provide the most current and accurate information available. Below are links to recent posts I’ve put on Linkedin. 


What are your plans for providing group services via Telehealth


Update from CMS 03/31/2020


Important Request from Ohio Council


BHBS and Recommendations for Telehealth



Please stay safe and know all of you are in our thoughts and prayers.



Teresa Heim, CEO of Behavioral Health Billing Solutions, LLC.

Email :

Phone: 614-395-0136