More Policy Changes?

Posted by Behavioral Health Billing Solutions, LLC The Benefit and Services workgroup met July 11th and Greg Moody, Director at Ohio Governor’s Office of Health Transformation and ODM introduced the latest track for BH Redesign and the Managed Care Carve-in. The...

Historic Vetos on hold?

Posted by Behavioral Health Billing Solutions, LLC According to an article in the Columbus Dispatch, Nine of the 11 vetoes that state representatives voted to override in the state budget last week are related to Medicaid, though not the big veto on the plan to freeze...

Ohio Senate approves HB49 Revision

Posted by Behavioral Health Billing Solutions, LLC The Ohio Senate voted today on the revised budget released by the Conference Committee who met yesterday to review the House and Senate versions of the Budget HB 49. The vote passed with 24 yes votes, 8 no votes and 1...